Super Powered Protein Pancakes

It’s not very often, but on a given weekend morning all I want to do is make pancakes. I nice hearty batch of pancakes that is filling enough to cover two meals – both breakfast and lunch.

I decided to come up with a fun batch this past weekend. I usually make a batch of pancakes that is very simple with just some whole grain flour (like spelt or oats) a banana, some rice milk and a few other things. They are yummy, but not as yummy as this batch.

This weekend I decided to take things a little outside of the Aunt Jamima pancake box (which I don’t think I have ever used in my life) and make some super powered protein pancakes.

Most people don’t think of pancakes as a source of protein. Well that all depends on what you put into it. I have been on this Sun Warrior kick lately (for over a year) since it is my favourite protein powder to use.  Along with some high fiber gluten free flours, these pancakes are good for at least a serving or two of your plant based protein for the day. I also added a whole bunch of super foods like mesquite, chia, coconut sugar and then topped them with fresh berries and a homemade cashew cream and date syrup. If this isn’t the perfect way enjoy a meal, then I don’t know what is. They were dense, hearty and had the most unique flavour. You should try them!

There are a whole bunch of ingredients in these pancakes, some of which may be new to you. If you can try to get a hold of some of them at your local health food store for a change.

Mesquite Power Pancakes

½ cup Teff Flour (gluten free, high in protein)

½ cup Buckwheat Flour (gluten free, full of fiber)

½ cup Rolled Oats

1 cup almond or rice milk with 1 tsp apple cider vinegar (makes vegan buttermilk)

1 tablespoon mesquite powder (gives pancakes a malty sweet taste(

1 tablespoon chia powder or ground flax (binds it all together – acts as one egg)

2 tablespoons Sun Warrior Protein (totally optional – but gives them a boost)

1 tablespoon coconut sugar (natural low glycemic sweetener) buy some here!

1 teaspoon cinnamon (balances blood sugar)

1/4 teaspoon sea salt

½ cup fresh blueberries (antioxidants)

1 tablespoon coconut oil (energy)

1 tablespoon date syrup or maple syrup (natural sweetness, and PURE fun!)

2 large tablespoon of cashew cream (cashews, almond butter, rice syrup and cinnamon all blended up!)

–       mix the dry ingredients

–       mix the wet ingredients

–       combine the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients, mix and let sit for 5 minutes

–       warm a hot skillet or pan with some coconut oil

–       drop batter onto pan by the ¼ cup full (or bigger) and allow to warm until bubbles come through or one side has browned, flip over (approx 2 minutes per pancake)

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