My favourite kind of Butter!

Take a look and see what I have to say about my LOVE for nut butters and what I use in my kitchen!

Since the term butter can be applied to more than just a creamed milk substance – but to anything that is thick, creamy and loaded with nutrients – I will share what kind of “butters” are my favourites!

These butters come from nuts and seeds and other plant varieties. When you take a nut or a seed and grind it down or blend it into a puree – you will get a thick, sticky substance that makes an excellent substitute for traditional butter and even peanut butter!

(The reason why I am not a fan of peanut butters is because there are so many allergies associated with it. Peanuts also often are grown where there is more a chance for certain toxin’s and molds to grow with it. And lastly peanuts – are actually not a NUT they are legume, grown from the ground and not a tree like most other nuts. But that being said, there are so many delicious and nutritious alternatives.)

It’s easy enough to make your own blends at home by grabbing at least a cups worth of nuts – let’s say almonds – placing them in your food processor and leaving it on for about 3-5 minutes. The oils will start to separate and you will get a smooth paste soon enough. If you don’t quite have the time or means to make your own then support companies that go out of their way to make them for us.

There are quite a few companies that I use to support my love for nut butters

Sun Butter – the best sunflower seed butter (tastes like peanut butter)

Blue Mountain Organics – better than roasted seed and nut butters (raw natural butters)

Then there is also Artisana which is a company that has put true love and care into the quality of their butters. They have a variety from nut based butters from almond and walnut to cocoa, coconut and tahini (sesame seed) butters. They use only organically sourced nuts. Which is extremely important. Since nuts are fat soluble, if they are not organic they usually carry with them toxins and other residues that can absorb within the nut. You can truly taste this purity in their products.


There is something (hopefully) for everyone. Since I love their packaging and product philosophy I have been so genoursoulsy given a whole batch of their wonderul products and now I want to give some away to you!

Tell me why you love seed or nut butters?

What do you put your “butter” on?

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