The Top 5 Benefits of Sprouting!

There are many nutritious foods but sprouts are one of the best things you can eat to improve your health. When you eat sprouted beans, nuts or seeds, you are eating food that is alive with living enzymes! These living foods are enzyme-rich and nourish every system and organ in your body. I love sprouting mung beans because they are super easy and taste great!

If you’re looking to add some health to your diet, sprouts are the way to go! Here are a few reasons why:

1. Sprouting neutralizes enzyme inhibitors helping you better absorb beneficial enzymes and nutrients such as calcium, iron, and zinc.

2. Sprouting helps break down fats, proteins and carbohydrates and converts them into simpler forms that are more easily digested by the body. This reduces digestion issues such as bloating and uncomfortable intestinal gas that people often experience when eating foods such as legumes that have not been sprouted.

3. Sprouting not only helps you to better absorb nutrients – it also creates additional nutrients in the foods being sprouted! You will consume more vitamins such as vitamins A, B, C and E and minerals such as iron, magnesium and phosphorus. You will also consume higher and better quality levels of protein and a whole lot of fibre leaving you satisfied and helping to keep things moving through and out of your body!

4. Sprouted foods are alkaline-forming foods. Eating them with help your body cleanse out acidity and maintain balance in its ideal slightly alkaline state.

5. Foods that have been sprouted taste better. Getting more sprouted grains, legumes and seeds into your diet means eating foods that do wonders for your body while tasting simply delicious!

Here at the Food Studio, we’re taking the bioSnacky 10 day Sprouting Challenge! We received a 3-tier sprouter and couldn’t be more excited to get sprouting. Can’t wait to show you the sprouts in a few days from now!


We’ll be teaching you more about how and what to sprout in our Raw Made Easy Class on September 12th. Find out what we’re making and teaching here!

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