By 35…

Today marks my 35 birthday.

There are lots of things that I thought I would have “done” or accomplished by 35. It’s funny that we do that.. focus on what didn’t happen by when, rather than on what did.

I am absolutely guilty of judging myself many times, focusing on the things that I don’t have yet or the things I thought I would have by this stage in my life. However at the same time I have also taken responsibility for the life that I do have and fully embrace the path that I have chosen. There are a lot of “shoulds” and “coulds” that I could waste my time and energy on. But what for?

I could still be wondering and judging myself on why I don’t own a house, have a kid, I’m not married yet (again) or reached the full potential of what my career goals are. But I am not. I am accepting that my life is perfect just the way it is.

I started my career at a young age and I was married before 30, I thought I was perfectly “on schedule” – but then life started over again personally and now life seems to be starting all over again in my career. A new path in my life is being carved as I write this – but without any timelines. An age is just a number and there is no such thing as “by when.”

We often don’t focus enough on what we do have and what we have done. We tend to look at what we think we should have done based on societal norms. We base this off of where are friends are at in their careers, how much money we think we should have or what our parents expect of us (grandkids) by a certain age. The problem is that these are just pre-conceived notions that we internalize from our environment and the people around us. No one can tell you what your perfect plan is or what you should have by when.

We are all creators of own journey, well to some degree, but sometimes life is going to throw us for a loop. We always have a choice, even if we don’t make “the right one”– we learn from it, we grow from it and it makes us better, stronger and ready for what is next.

I want to step back and really acknowledge all that I have done to this point in my life. So today instead of focusing on what I didn’t do by 35 or what I don’t have – I want to share all that I have accomplished up until this point in this amazing journey that I call my life:

  • I have an immense dedication of making my health and wellbeing a priority (maybe that’s why I look like I am 25 at 35)
  • I have a loving, healthy and strong personal relationship with Jesse
  • I have an adorable and sweet puppy named Goji
  • I have an incredible, supportive and loving family
  • I have built my own amazing business my own brick and mortar food studio
  • I have two published books Fermenting for Dummies & Plant-Based Diet for Dummies
  • I have a successful health podcast The Ultimate Health Podcast and I get to connect with some of the most incredible health leaders in the world
  • I have an fantastic network of friends
  • I have an inspiring network of colleagues
  • I have the opportunity to create my own schedule
  • I have so many new dreams and ambitions yet to be shared with the world

Really this list can go on and on!

Your world is at your fingertips. Let this be a lesson and a reminder that it’s not about what we haven’t done or what we don’t have…it’s about all the things that we have created that make you who you are today.

This is my journey, my path, my own unique woven quilt that I call life. There is no need for comparison, there is no need for regret or shame. It’s time to start looking at life through the lenses of gratitude, acceptance and trust.

35 is just the beginning. I can see it, I can feel that a great life is only going to get better from here.


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