End of Summer Daze

It’s true the summer is coming to an end and surprisingly, I am actually okay with that.

Why? because I am a fall girl. I love the fresh crisp air, the changing leaves and the feel of that fall. I am also someone that loves the change of season. There is just something special about ending and beginning a new phase of weather patterns, food patterns and of course clothing patterns!

As opposed to resisting the change, I embrace it and welcome it with open arms. However, it’s not quite over yet and there are still quite a few things I like to do to soak up the last days, weeks and even month before the season officially changes on the calendar. At the same time these same activities can be brought into the fall months as well. Especially if we are so lucky to get an Indian summer!

How I am spending the rest of my daze:

  • Campfires in the backyard
  • Spending time with friends and family outside
  • Having picnics and potlucks
  • Playing frisbee or going for walks with my dog by the waterfront
  • Going to the farmers market
  • Harvesting the last grabs from my backyard garden garden

Campfires in the summer

To highlight my favourite summer activity, it would be to having campfires in my backyard. This has probably been my favourite way to enjoy an evening during the summer. I am lucky enough to have a fire pit in my backyard, which makes it quite simple to just head out back and start a blazing fire.

There is always quite a bit of firewood on hand and set up a mini fire on a regular occasion just because it’s something different to do. It gets me away from netflix and my phone for a few hours, encourages me and my husband to bond and just be. Our dog always joins us and chews on a stick, we make a delicious tea and typically munch on some kind of snack whether that’s dark chocolate, fresh fruit like cherries (one of our favourite summer time fruits) or some kind of homemade treat that I have whipped up.

As the evenings in the summer can be cool and they will be into the fall, you will find me in a pair of long pants and a hoodie to not only be as cozy as possible, but to keep the bugs off of my skin (as they LOVE my blood).

How I get cozy

Lately the outfit I have been sporting most has been the one you see in this picture. It is probably my favourite outfit these days and it was gifted to me by my friends at prAna. A super soft hoodie and incredible comfortable joggers that make lounging around the fire really appealing. I can just spend hours curled up in a big chair just staring at the fire in a daze.

So as the summer wraps up and comes to a close, I will still be wearing this outfit into the fall and certainly in the winter. Whether I wear them together or apart, it doesn’t matter as these pieces stand alone or can be combined.

I have shared many posts before with my love of prAna and their incredible clothing line. All organic, sustainable and beyond comfortable.

Here’s why prAna is different:

  1. People over clothing – this means that farmers and families are no longer exposed to toxins
  2. Soil over clothing – this ensures the regeneration life and biodiversity in the soil to improve the health of our planet.
  3. Water over clothing – this means 115 gallons of water is saved when you switch one t-shirt to organic cotton.

If you’ve never had the chance to give prAna clothing a try, you’ve got to hook yourself up. Luckily I can get you 15% off your prAna gear from. Go ahead, START SHOPPING HERE + be sure to use the code: ESMWF18

#endofsummer #prAnafall18

*This post was sponsored with clothing by prAna

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