Refreshing Strawberry Facial Sensation!

My garden is bursting with strawberries. Which is amazing, so I have had to come up with some creative ways to use them up.  Especially the ones that are a bit mushy. It’s funny, often people don’t realize that food makes the best cleansing, nourishing and replenishing tonics for the body and face. I have always known this, I just sometimes don’t practice it as often as I should. That being said, all of the products that I do buy are 100% natural and organic made with food grade essential oils and other carriers like almond oil, shea butter, coconut oil etc…

But it doesn’t get much better than making your own concoctions from scratch. There are many online resources and natural books that can guide you with recipes and ideas. But sometimes if you just think logically- the foods with the most nutrients, colour and vitamins are the best ones to put directly on your body!

So as I said, I have strawberries coming out of my ears (not to brag or anything) but I am putting them to good use. Last night I took a huge handful of them, mashed them up, added in some healing Manuka Honey and smothered it onto my face. I turned red, but I could feel the sweet red juice penetrating my skin and nourishing every cell. It felt so good! If you have every applied Manuka Honey topically, (stickiness aside) I am sure you know the feeling! After about a half hour, I rinsed it off, and my skin was smoothly, supple and nurtured. I loved it!

There is something particularly magical about strawberries when it comes to a facial mask. It is not only loaded with Vitamin C which helps to repair skin damage, a make collagen and since vitamin C is an antioxidant it also helps to protect the skin from free radicals. The alpha hydroxy acid in strawberries help to slough off dead skin cells – which instantly reveals smoother skin. I assure you, you must try this!


Scrumptious Strawberry Mask

1/2 cup fresh strawberries, mashed

1 tbsp Manuka Honey

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl and apply directly onto face. Chunks and all!

—To make this mask into an EXFOLIATION SCRUB –  add 2 tbsp almond meal (left over from making almond milk) –

I kind of look like and Umpa-Loopa – but who cares, it works!

Question: Have you ever made a home-made food based mask?

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